Embrace your Menstrual Cycle!

If you’re done feeling disconnected from your female body, experiencing PMS & period pain, and yearning to reconnect with your feminine essence…

Reclaim Your Cycle Today

Why you feel disconnected from your body & cycle, despite living mindfully..


After years of supporting women on their journey to reclaim their female body and power, what I quickly learned was that many feel disconnected because they’re trying to live in a system that doesn’t honor their menstrual cycle.

Living out of sync with your body leads to feeling tired, stressed out, and detached from your femininity.

For too many, this manifests as PMS symptoms, painful periods or reproductive conditions (PCOS, endo, fibroids).


* PAY ATTENTION because this is one of the most important things you’ll learn in your life as a woman and if you don’t get it, it could cost you your sense of self, your well being, and even the life choices you make e.g. careers and relationships!

Where most women think they need to push harder, be more disciplined, or use mind over matter — what they’re missing is the ESSENTIAL education that is required before anything else..


You are a CYCLICAL being living in a non-cyclical world 

Without understanding this, and embracing your body’s natural rhythm, you will continue to feel exhausted, stressed, out of balance. and for most - suffer with PMS and period pain.

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To reconnect with your female body and align to your natural rhythm, you need to master the Art of Cyclical Living..

But There’s Still A Problem..

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Our culture doesn’t recognise

or honor the cyclical nature of women’s bodies. This lack of awareness and practical support leads to further disconnection and frustration, as women can’t find practical ways to live authentically.

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Many women view their cycle

as an inconvenience, believing they should just ignore it and push through. This mindset suggests their cycle is a weakness, leading to a disconnect from their own body and their source of power.

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Popular health trends like ice baths

and Int. Fasting are adopted, despite being designed for male bodies. These ‘health fads’ typically create extra stress leading to hormonal imbalances which show up as PMS & period pain

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Many women are advised to use

birth control to manage their period pain or reproductive conditions, which only disconnects them from their natural cycles & masks underlying issues instead of addressing them holistically.

Living Centered In Your Female Body Feels Like Freedom!

What’s going to happen to your wellbeing if you DON’T embrace your cyclical nature?

Living disconnected leads to PMS symptoms and period pain leaving you miserable for 10-days a month....  INSTEAD of managing your energy and maintaining a sense of balance throughout the entire cycle.

Living disconnected leads to working in a job that you hate for too long, or in an unhealthy relationship...  Living CONNECTED holds you in your power, connected to your truth, feeling resilient to create a life of soul alignment.

Living disconnected dulls your connection to your creativity, intuition & inner wisdom....  Living CONNECTED enhances your ability to tap into these vital aspects, leading to a more fulfilling and enriched life.

Sign Up Now!

Connecting with Your Cycle is Connecting with Your Authentic Self


It’s a coming home to yourself, finding that deep sense of ‘rightness’ from within.

Your cycle is your inner compass and your greatest self care tool for deep nourishment. 

The truth is you deserve to feel vibrant and empowered, moving through life with confidence and grace.

I’m here to support you every step of the way.

I’ll guide you to EMBRACE your natural cycle and understand how to practically integrate the Inner Seasons into your life.

So that you can finally feel deeply connected to your female body and in love with being a thriving cyclical woman.

This is your moment to embrace your cyclical nature and transform the way you experience life

I'm Ready!

"The inner seasons are just so relatable - you can really feel yourself moving from each one as you go through your cycle. It's an extremely powerful tool which all women should harness!"

 - Izzy


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Inner Seasons course

Your Guide to Cyclical Living

A short course designed to reconnect you to your menstrual cycle and adopt a cyclical lifestyle for sustained energy, emotional balance, and a profound sense of self-awareness.

Here's What You'll learn:

Over the 90mins, you will discover 

  • The IMPORTANT difference between a Woman’s and a Man's hormonal system and WHY this is the key to creating a cyclical lifestyle! 
  • The Inner Seasons Framework - What it is & why this simple yet fundamental knowledge is the key to feeling connected!
  • What happens when you take hormonal birth control & the application for Cyclical Living
  • Deep dive into the Inner Season - explore the physical, mental & emotional shifts that occur so you understand how to support yourself in each phase of the cycle
  • Practical tips and tools to navigate cyclical living in a non-cyclical world -start today
  • Create a charting practice - your greatest Self Care tool! You'll discover your unique patterns in your cycle so you can better care for yourself.


  • Bonus 1:  Reconnect To Your Womb Follow this beautifully guided meditation to reconnect and develop a positive relationship with your womb. Perfect for your inner winter. (VALUE: $49)

    Bonus 2:  Natural Birth Control class Introduction to the 99.6% effective Natural Birth Control Method in this class by Jaime Lauren, qualified FAM instructor. (VALUE: $49)

    Bonus 3:  Self Care Guide for Inner Seasons Your go-to resource for cyclical self care tools to support you in each season of the cycle (VALUE: $49)

Buy Now!

Are you ready for your home coming?

What's Inside:


  1. Instant access & life time access to the course (value = $520)
  2. PDF Cycle Charting Template (value = $29)
  3. Cyclical Living Community Space (value = $99)
  4. Reconnect To Your Womb Meditation (value = $49)
  5. Natural Birth Control Class (value = $49)
  6. Cyclical Self Care Guide (value = $49)

(VALUE $795)

Today $49

Save over 90% today!


What Women Are Saying 

 “Shocking that we're not taught this in schools!

This course gave me the knowledge to understand myself deeper from a scientific and spiritual perspective. Jaime shared essential information about our biology (shocking that we're not taught this in schools).

With the better understanding of the inner-seasons, I am able to give myself permission to work with my body, not against it. I feel I am discovering an essential bio-hack to live an optimised life and my relationships (internal and external).”  
Lily, Australia

 “It helped me to better support my female students

As a Yoga Teacher and Reiki Master, Jaime’s training gave me more awareness and knowledge regarding the woman’s cycle. I have used this knowledge with my clients, during my classes and during my reiki sessions. I highly recommend her workshops if you work in a Wellness and Holistic Journey, or for your own insight." 

Vanessa, Germany

 My period returned during the course, after 18-mths of not!

When I joined this online course I had not had a period for 1.5 years! I was so happy to have my flow return during the course!

I have a greater understanding of my cycle and a more peaceful, harmonious connection with my womb.

I recommend this course to anyone who would like to connect with and heal their menstrual cycle.

Chelsea, Sydney 

“I now have a deeper relationship with myself as a whole

Every woman should take this course! I feel so empowered now that I understand what is going on within my body throughout each cycle. I've been able to strip down so many cultural layers that weren't in alignment with my feminine essence and I now have a deeper relationship with myself as a whole."

Aurelli, Mexico

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Hi! I'm Jaime,

I'm a Holistic Menstrual Coach & Somatic Educator

Through education, somatic exploration and feminine embodiment experiences, I guide women to liberate themself from the deep patriarchal and capitalist conditioning. Guiding women to reclaim their female body, their menstrual cycle, and to re-sensitise so they can attune to the wisdom of their body.

It’s from this place that you can confidently show up in the world as your whole, authentic self. Feeling a deep sense of inner-safety to cultivate the life that you desire.

Your Questions Answered

 "The inner seasons! This was such a new concept for me, and felt like the missing piece of my puzzle for embodying my whole self and cycle" Emilie


Are You Ready to Feel Empowered in your Female Body?

Yes, sign me up!