Red Tent

Your Restorative Inner-winter Retreat



Red Tent

Your Restorative Inner Winter Retreat


Embrace the natural rhythm of menstruation, take a precious moment to slow down, release & restore


Our society has very little reverence for women's cyclical nature.  

We haven't received the recognition or the permission to slow down and restore during our bleed.

We're expected to keep going, show up to work, wear the 'I'm ok mask', and pretend like its any other day. If you're experiencing period pain, just take a pill and carry on. 

However, our menstrual time is a natural time for releasing and restoring. Our body and womb craves solitude, stillness and silence.

My love, you don't need permission from society to take rest. It's not luxurious, but a simple human need! 

This Red Tent Retreat is designed to help you take a conscious pause, allowing you to fully experience the benefits of menstruation and regain energy for the cycle ahead.

Yes, I deserve this!

The cost of not resting

70% of women experience some degree of period pain. That's crazy!

It's common, but it's not normal to experience pain when bleeding. There are many reasons and contributions to why women suffer with menstrual pain and discomfort.

I believe one obvious reason is because we are not allowing ourself to honor this sacred time. We are not listening to our body and taking rest when she calls for it. 

Another reason? Women are disconnected from their wombs and label their bleed as an inconvenience. Disregarding a part of themself. 

Our womb needs love and recognition, can you give her that?

Traditionally, Native American women would celebrate this is sacred time of bleeding... 

by collectively retreating to a designated red tent to rest, sing, pray and vision. They would receive wisdom and pass this along to their tribe. 

Although our culture is far away from this reality - we can take inspiration from this and create an empowering experience for ourself at home to reconnect with our body and our inner wisdom.


This pre-recorded Retreat will

Guide you through relaxing your nervous system, connecting with your womb, and taking time for reflection.

You'll be guided to set up your own intimate space, to drop in and connect to your heart and womb through guided meditation, yin practices, and journaling prompts.

You'll be invited to contemplate your relationship with your bleed, with an option to engage in your own blood ritual connecting you to the sacredness of your own blood.

The beauty of this home retreat is that you can tailor it to fit your schedule. Take 1 hour or take a day.

You can move through the recorded content at your own pace, allowing yourself to fully embrace the moments of 'being' between each practice.

Are you ready to journey into the unknown? 

My womb is ready!

The Period Power Retreat is magical! I’ve found it’s often easier to rest and take time to myself when I have some guided support. Jaime’s energy is perfect for this. The guided meditation is exactly what I needed to help me slow down and drop into my bleed. I love taking myself on this retreat, thank you Jaime!” 

~ Alicia ~

What's Included in Your Retreat:

◯  Moon Lodge Creation Guidance:
 Learn how to create a sacred space for yourself during your menstruation, allowing for deep introspection and connection.

◯  Guided Womb Meditation: Immerse yourself in a soothing meditation that encourages you to connect with the wisdom and power of your womb.

◯  Journal Prompts: Explore thought-provoking prompts that facilitate self-reflection and provide a channel for expressing your innermost thoughts and emotions.

◯  Yoga for Menstruation: Discover gentle yoga asanas specifically tailored to support your body during menstruation, helping you find comfort.

◯  Guided Blood Ritual: Engage in a transformative practice that allows you to connect with the sacredness of your menstrual blood, honoring its significance in your life.

◯  Bleeding Playlist +4 Hours: Enhance your retreat experience with a carefully curated playlist, perfectly suited for embracing your menstrual journey.

BONUS PDF Chart Template: Receive a valuable charting template to help you track and understand your menstrual cycle more effectively, empowering you to connect with your body's natural rhythms.


VALUE $222

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Hi! I'm Jaime,

I'm a Holistic Menstrual Coach & Somatic Educator

I work with menstruating women who want to develop a deeper relationship with their feminine energy, manage their emotions (rather than feeling like their emotions manage them), and cultivate balanced energy levels to avoid those highs and lows throughout the month.

I help women fall in love with who they are and gain confidence in their body's wisdom so they trust their intuition, allowing them to create a life that is in full alignment for them.

After many years of professional training, self-study, self-practice and personal experiences, I have guided hundreds of women to experience trust with their female body and open to more pleasure and aliveness.