Making The Move To Come Off Birth Control Can Feel Unsettling And Daunting, With The Lack Of Education And Support Available In Our Medical System.
If you're on the contraceptive pill, injection, have an IUD, Mirena coil, Implant, or any other device, this masterclass is for you.
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The birth control dilemma

You’re either on hormonal birth control because you wanted to avoid pregnancy...

...or because your doctor told you it’s the best thing to do to balance your hormones, or deal with acne, PCOS, period pain etc. but...

The hormones in your birth control interfere with your menstrual cycle

...and come with a ton of nasty side effects!

Some of which are commonly known, but others aren’t always consciously connected to your BC.

For example:

😭 emotional: depression, anxiety, anger, numbness & overall reduced life satisfaction

😓 physical: loss of libido, painful intercourse, weakened immune system, gut health issues, migraines

🤯 mental: altered responses to stress, capacity for learning and memory, eating behaviors

But you know when it's time to say no more

There comes a time when you know you’re ready to come off birth control.

Maybe you’re frustrated and done with the side effects, or just get this “gut feeling” that you need to know who you are without these hormones!

You want to feel what it’s like to be your natural self!

So you make the decision, but then the fear of the unknown kicks in and you have all these questions…

What will I do for birth control? I don't want a baby (yet)! How long will it take for my period to return? What if my issues return (painful periods/acne/irregular periods)? When & how should I stop the birth control? Is there anything I can do to help my menstrual cycle return with ease?

And you don’t know where to get this information or who to trust.

I’m here to support you

But don’t worry, I‘ve prepared the answers to your questions in this 90min masterclass, so you can feel prepared and supported in your transition.

And I will even share with you a Natural Birth Control Method that is 99.6% effective at avoiding pregnancy. You will be surprised that no one told you about this reliable method before!

My journey on the pill

I was on the pill for 10 years and suffered with painful intercourse (the Dr said it was nothing), total loss of libido, migraines, anxiety attacks and years of depression. The doctor put me on antidepressants which I took for a short period of time, but then felt even more numb to life! At the time, I didn’t have a clue that these things were associated with my BC pill!

I wasnt sx.ually active and felt intuitively like taking a break, so I stopped the pill, and went on an emotional roller coaster. I didn't have a period for 9-months. I went to the doctor multiple times throughout those 9-months and they repeatedly said “just wait, it will come back soon”.

This was incredibly frustrating and kinda concerning to me!

If I had known what I do now as a Menstrual Educator, it would have been a different story. This is why I created this masterclass for you.

Fast forward to who I am today. I love who I am with my own natural hormones, side-effect free, thriving in my health and happiness, and using Natural Birth control to avoid pregnancy.

Take action and thrive!

Too many women quit BC and wait for their period to return, suffering with post BC syndrome; symptoms that affect your quality of life!

In this short-course you will learn the essential 3 steps that will support your period to return sooner. But not just that.

You'll feel your best-self sooner, both physically, mentally and emotionally!

You will walk away from this class feeling empowered by:

  • Understanding what to expect & how to best support yourself during this Transition

  • Knowing the #3 Essential things to do when coming off birth control to support a healthy transition & avoid post-pill burn out

  • Gaining diet & supplement wisdom to support your hormones return to a healthy balanced state, asap!

  • Learning resources & self care practices to support your hormones to rebalance and stay balanced

  • Gaining an awareness of a +99% effective natural birth control option

If You're On The Contraceptive Pill

(...Injection, Have An IUD, Mirena Coil, Implant, Or Any Other Device...)

This Is For You!



Too many women just wait for their period to return and suffer with months of post birth control syndrome (symptoms that affect your quality of life).

In this course you will learn the 3 steps that will support your period to return sooner. But not just that. You will feel your best-self sooner, both physically, mentally and emotionally!

Get 50% off when enrolling in the Coming Off Birth Control Course today.

Get Instant Access

What you will get:

  • Masterclass Coming off Birth Control
    Lifetime access ​
    80 min

  • Removing the IUD & avoiding the "post-IUD crash"
    PDF guide
    14 pages

  • Food for hormonal health
    PDF guide
    16 pages

  • FREE BONUS #1: What you need to know about Fertility Apps: the good, the bad & the ugly
    ​20 min

  • FREE BONUS #2: Demystifying Natural Birth Control - Understanding Your Body’s Hormone & Fertility Cycles
    ​60 min
"I left feeling ready & excited to come off birth control!" 

“Thank you again for hosting such an empowering workshop this weekend. I left feeling truly ready and excited to begin my journey of coming off bc and in a space of connectivity with my body and femininity."

Niki, USA

"I am excited to learn more about the Natural BC!" 

"I am struggling to express how much I enjoyed this session. It was so useful. Jaime is so passionate, engaging and delivers the messages very clearly. I am excited to explore learning more about the Natural Birth Control Method with Jaime. Thank you so much".  

Francy, England

Hi, I’m Jaime!

I'm a Qualified Fertility Awareness Educator & Holistic Menstrual Coach

I teach women the Natural Birth Control Method (FAM) so they can let go of the fear of unwanted pregnancy and have better love making!

My teachings are grounded in science but bridge the emotional and psycho-spiritual world of living in a female body. This is what makes my work so relatable and practical for many women.

When women learn the language of their female body, it empowers them to reconnect to the wisdom within, to feel confident in their body and access greater pleasure and intimacy in their relationships.

The Education I share is absolutely ESSENTIAL for every menstruating person. I believe it should be taught in our educational system.